Benefits of an Outside the Waistband or OWB Holster
Benefits of an Outside the Waistband or OWB Holster

Benefits of an Outside the Waistband or OWB Holster

Dec 2nd 2020

Kydex Holsters

Although there are pros and cons to every method of carrying a gun, many gun owners believe that carrying outside the waistband (OWB) is only suitable for duty use or open carrying.

However, there are many advantages and benefits to carrying in an OWB holster. These benefits may help you determine your preferred carry method.

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Accessibility and Draw Speed

If the primary advantage of an IWB holster is better concealment, OWB holsters offer more accessibility. Most people can draw faster from an OWB holster than an  IWB holster.

A handgun carried concealed OWB is readily available and typically only covered by a vest, jacket, or similar covering garment. Most of the time, all you need to reach your weapon is push the outer layer of clothing out of the way.

While it is certainly possible to practice drawing from an IWB holster until you have a proper technique and a sufficient draw speed, this does require significant practice. If access and draw speed are a priority, then an  OWB holster may be a more convenient option for you.

Comfort and Dress Style

OWB holster

Carrying outside the waistband is usually more comfortable. This carry method requires fewer adjustments to your wardrobe and style of dress. All you need is a good gun belt for your holster to be installed onto, and there’s no need to purchase pants one size larger than usual.

Of course, using an OWB holster as a concealed carrying holster means you will have to wear an additional layer to conceal your holster and gun effectively. This may not always be possible depending on the state and the weather, but it is a potential option to consider.

If open carry is legal in your area (make sure to check both your state and local laws), dressing for concealment becomes a non-issue.

Choice of Handgun

Depending on your height and build, you may be able to conceal larger handguns more or less effectively. The shorter and thinner you are, the more difficult it may be to concealed carry effectively, whether you carry IWB or OWB.

Choosing an OWB holster may make it easier and more comfortable for you to carry a larger handgun.

If you prefer to carry a full-size or duty pistol as part of your EDC, carrying it outside the waistband may not only be far less challenging; it may well be your only option, depending on your size and build.

Even if you can carry a full-size handgun inside the waistband with some degree of effectiveness, you may find yourself with fewer comfortable sitting positions and carrying styles than with an OWB holster.

For instance, merely sitting with an  IWB full-size handgun may be challenging at best and impossible to do without a lot of printing at worst.

Other Considerations

It is easier, faster, and much safer to reholster a firearm if you use an outside the waistband holster, particularly while under stress.

If you’ve had to use your firearm in a defensive situation, after making sure there are no more threats to your life, safely and quickly reholstering your weapon before law enforcement arrives may be a consideration to keep in mind.

Additionally, open and concealed carry laws and licensing systems generally only apply to carrying in public. For example, in Florida, open carry of handguns is not legal in most situations; however,  Florida Statute paragraph 790.25(3)(n) explicitly states that this does not apply to persons at their “home or place of business.”

If you spend most of your time on your property, you may use whatever carry style you prefer, without a license. You may find it preferable to OWB carry your favorite handgun.

Parting Thoughts

Incognito Concealment offers  Kydex holsters and magazine carriers for all your favorite handguns, designed to the specifications of your choice, including belt size, cuts for lights, lasers, or red dot sights. Our products are proudly 100% hand-crafted in the USA.

We also offer a 10% discount to our law enforcement, active military, and licensed first responder customers to honor those who serve and protect us. If you need us to help you find a holster for your firearm, or if you have any questions about our products or our discount program, give us a call at  (586) 333-4240.

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